Please complete the following form and answer all questions before arriving for your appointment.

All fields with an asterisk (*) must be completed before submitting.

Be sure to include your insurance information.
We'll see you soon!

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Patient Information

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Social History

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Family History

Which family members had the below medical conditions? (father, mother, sibling, etc.)

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Review of Systems

Review of Systems (Check all that you are currently experiencing)
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Insurance Information

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Emergency Contact

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Responsible Party (if minor patient)

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All office visit charges and co-pays are due at the time services are rendered. It is the patient who is responsible for any and all financial aspects of services rendered. There will be a charge for returned checks, missed appointments without 24 hours notice and completion of any forms. I agree to pay for all deductibles, co-pays, non-covered services and any portion of covered services not paid in full by my insurance plan and understand that such payments are due at the time of service or immediately upon presentation of the bill. I hereby name Associates in Podiatry, PC (AIP) as my assignee. I instruct my health care benefits plan administrator, i.e. PLAN to pay AIP directly for all professional and medical services provided by AIP through the means of electronic funds transfer(s) (EFT) or by check(s) made payable to and mailed to AIP. I AUTHORIZE THE RELEASE OF ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION NECESSARY TO PROCESS CLAIMS.

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The above information is correct to the best of my knowledge, and I consent to such diagnostic procedures and medical care as deemed necessary by the doctor for my treatment. I understand that throughout my treatment, I am responsible for notifying the physician and/or medical staff of any and all updates to the information listed above. I also give permission for photographs of my feet to be taken that are to be kept as part of my medical record only. They will not be published as part of medical research or disbursed in any way without my permission.
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I acknowledge that I was provided a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices for Associates in Podiatry, PC and I have read (or had the opportunity to read if I so choose) and understood the Notice.


We are pleased to welcome you to our office. New Patients are always appreciated. Our practice has grown as a result of its excellent relationship with our referring doctors and patients. As our patient, please feel free, at any time, to express any concerns or to ask any questions that you may have for the doctor or our staff. In order to assist you in making payment(s) for your podiatric treatment, the following options are listed. Please read them carefully and feel free to discuss them with us.

If you DO NOT have insurance: Payment is due, in full, at the time treatment is provided.

*For your convenience, we accept all major credit/debit cards, checks and cash.

If you have Insurance: The percentage of coverage by your insurance company may be based on your insurance company’s own reduced fee schedule for medical services and may be less than actual charges resulting in lower coverage for you. Associates in Podiatry, PC has no control over this situation. Lower payment is a direct result of the plan selected by you or your employer. Please be advised that we cannot waive co-payment. We are required by law to collect co-payment.

Commercial Insurance: We will submit your claim to your insurance carrier for you. You are responsible for any deductible or co-payment not covered by your insurance. Once our office has received payment from the insurance company, you will be billed, with 30 day terms, for any amount still owed.

Medicare: This office accepts Medicare assignment. Medicare patients are fully responsible, however, for the initial yearly deductible and the 20% co-insurance. Federal law requires that physicians collect this amount. If you have a secondary insurance to cover the 20%, we will submit the balance to that insurance for payment and you will only be responsible for the yearly deductible.

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By typing your name below, you are signing this application electronically. You agree that your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this Intake Form. If you have completed this form with the assistance of the New Patient Coordinator, you agree that she is authorized to complete and sign this form on your behalf.
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Please ensure you have completed all mandatory fields on this form (indicated with an (*) asterisk next to the field) and please wait until our thank you page loads to ensure the form was successfully submitted otherwise your data will be lost.

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